# NerveDEX-API

NerveDEX provides a common DEX-API module for partners that encapsulates the common interface to the NULS-SDK docking and currently supports Restful format access.

# Account for

In order to better understand the business of NERVEDEX, and the meaning of the interface return value, make some explanation here in advance.

# Field description


NERVEDEX enables each chain to add assets dynamically, based on business needs, in addition to the default assets. Each asset in each chain is distinguished by a composite primary key of the chain ID and the asset ID. For example, NULS for the main network of NULS, chainid = 1, assetid = 1


NULS2.0 has several types of transactions by default, each of which has a different function. When the interface is invoked to query the transaction details, the type field can be used to distinguish the different types of transactions. The following are the enumerated values for the types of transactions:

Int Coin = 1;/coinBase offers block rewards

Int Transfer = 2; Transfer

Int Account = 3;/set the ACCOUNT alias

Int Register = 4; New Consensus Node

Int Deposit = 5;//Delegate Participation Consensus

Int Cancel = 6;//Cancel Delegate Consensus

Int Yellow = 7; Yellow Card

Int Red = 8; Red card

Int Stop = 9;//unregister the consensus node

Int Cross = 10;/Cross chain transfer

Int Add = 13;//ADDS an asset to the chain

Int Remove = 14;//Remove assets from the chain

Int Coin = 228; create a transaction pair

Int Trading = 229;//Create Order

Int Trading = 230;//Cancel Order


Int Edit = 232;//Modifies transaction pair information

Int Order = 233;//Confirmation of withdrawal transaction

From and to:

Take a money transfer transaction: tx.type = 2

From is the transferor of the transfer transaction, each from is regarded as a transferor of a certain asset transfer number, where the nonce value will change after each transfer, can be invoked to query the account balance interface to obtain the current nonce value.

Each to is considered to be the amount of an asset received by the recipient, where lockTime is the lock-in time. When the lock-up time is greater than 0, the real time is greater than this value before the asset can be used; when the lock-up time is equal to-1, the lock-up is permanent and special transactions are required to unlock the lock-up, for example, participate in the entrustment agreement and cancel the entrustment agreement. When locktime =-2, it means that the order is placed, and a special transaction (revocation order type = 230) needs to be initiated to cancel the lock, or the order is automatically released after the order is placed (suspension order type = 231) .

Transaction fees = from the sum of the main assets of this chain-to the sum of the main assets of this chain


  • RESTFUL access

Add request header Content-Type: Application/json; charset = utf-8

# Interface List

# 1.0 gets the first N transaction pairs specified

# url: /coin/top/list

Detailed description: according to the filter conditions, query the specified number of transactions on the list information

When assetChainId and ASSETID ARE NOT 0, the transaction pair is filtered by the corresponding asset as the currency of valuation. For example, if you filter by NULS (Assetchainid = 1, assetid = 1) , the return result is BTC/NULS, ETH/NULS... ; If it is 0, the usual transaction pair is returned.

When address is not null, the transaction pairs collected by address are filtered first.

Size is the number of queries and returns the first six when the default is 0. Size Max is 100, return 100 bars.

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
assetChainid int 资产链ID
assetId int 资产ID
address String 账户地址
size int 条数

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
hash string 交易对hash
tradingName string 交易对名称
quoteDecimal int 计价币种小数位数
scaleQuoteDecimal int 交易对支持计价币种交易的最小小数位
baseDecimal int 交易币种小数位数
scaleBaseDecimal int 交易对支持交易币种交易的最小小数位
newPrice bigInteger 当前最新成交价
highPrice24 bigInteger 24小时最高成交价
lowPrice24 bigInteger 24小时最低成交价
beginPrice24 bigInteger 24小时起始成交价
dealAmount24 bigInteger 24小时成交量

# Example request data:



"assetChainId": 4, 

"assetId": 2, 

"size": 10, 

"address": "" 


# Example response data:


"code": 200, 

"success": true, 

"data": { 

    "success": true, 

    "result": [ 


            "hash": "2bc76de03b64e3525db1fd360f3143cfa7a9c2", 

            "tradingName": "TNVT/USDT", 

            "quoteDecimal": 6, 

            "scaleQuoteDecimal": 6, 

            "baseDecimal": 8, 

            "scaleBaseDecimal": 8, 

            "newPrice": 173610231, 

            "highPrice24": 187143477, 

            "lowPrice24": 99950000, 

            "beginPrice24": 99950000, 

            "dealAmount24": 67704218679 




"msg": "success" 


# 1.1 enquiry of transaction pair details

# url: /trading/get/{key}

Detailed description: according to the transaction pair hash or transaction pair name, query the transaction pair details

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
key String 交易对hash,或交易对名称(例如:BTC/USDT)

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
hash string 交易对hash
tradingName string 交易对名称
baseAssetChainId int 交易资产链ID
baseAssetId int 交易资产ID
baseDecimal int 交易资产小数位数
scaleBaseDecimal int 交易对支持交易资产交易的最小小数位
quoteAssetChainId int 计价资产链ID
quoteAssetId int 计价资产ID
quoteDecimal int 计价资产小数位数
scaleQuoteDecimal string 交易对支持计价资产交易的最小小数位
minBaseAmount bigInteger 交易对支持交易资产的最小交易单位
minQuoteAmount bigInteger 交易对支持计价资产的最小交易单位
beforePrice bigInteger 上一笔成交价
newPrice bigInteger 当前最新成交价
highPrice24 bigInteger 24小时最高成交价
lowPrice24 bigInteger 24小时最低成交价
beginPrice24 bigInteger 24小时起始成交价
dealAmount24 bigInteger 24小时成交量
createTime long 交易对创建时间(时间戳)

# Example request data:


# Example response data:


"code": 200, 

"success": true, 

"data": { 

    "success": true, 

    "result": { 

        "id": "0020eeea253bfc8", 

        "hash": "0020eeea253bfc8757b94b7a41db73cc76f492862fc061903e4334c186c6daa5", 

        "baseAssetChainId": 2, 

        "baseAssetId": 1, 

        "baseDecimal": 8, 

        "scaleBaseDecimal": 8, 

        "quoteAssetChainId": 5, 

        "quoteAssetId": 3, 

        "quoteDecimal": 6, 

        "scaleQuoteDecimal": 6, 

        "minBaseAmount": 1000, 

        "minQuoteAmount": 1000, 

        "tradingName": "NULS/USDX", 

        "createTime": 1592289578000, 

        "beforePrice": 371169, 

        "newPrice": 371169, 

        "beginPrice24": 363118, 

        "lowPrice24": 100000, 

        "highPrice24": 416214, 

        "dealAmount24": 1158400216658, 

        "replaceTradingName": "NULSUSDX", 

        "usdPrice": "NULSUSDX" 



"msg": "success" 


# url:/chain/info

DESCRIPTION: Query for NerveDEX chain configuration information

# Parameter list


# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
chainId int NVT资产链ID
assetId int NVT资产ID
addressPrefix string NVT链地址前缀
feeAddress string NerveDEX交易所运营节点收取手续费地址
feeScale int NerveDEX交易所运营节点收取手续费比例,feeScale=3,表示收取交易额的3/10000作为手续费
walletApiUrl string 底层钱包RPC接口访问地址

# Example request data:


# Example response data:


"code": 200, 

"success": true, 

"data": { 

    "chainId": 5, 

    "assetId": 1, 

    "addressPrefix": "TNVT", 

    "feeAddress": "TNVTdTSPVMJBn8J7xsqhF6f5mrY86LJKK4VYf", 

    "feeScale": 5, 

    "walletApiUrl": "" 


"msg": "success" 


# 1.3 Query for information about existing assets in the chain

# url:/asset/list

Query for information about existing assets in the current Nerve chain, including registered assets in the chain, such as NVT; cross-chain assets in parallel chains, such as NULS;

# Parameter list


# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
assetChainId int 资产链ID
assetId int 资产ID
decimal int 资产支持的小数位
symbol string 资产符号
status int 0,已作废;1,正常

# Example request data:


# Example response data:


"code": 200, 

"success": true, 

"data": [ 


        "assetChainId": 2, 

        "assetId": 1, 

        "decimal": 8, 

        "symbol": "NULS", 

        "status": 1 



        "assetChainId": 5, 

        "assetId": 1, 

        "decimal": 8, 

        "symbol": "NVT", 

        "status": 1 



        "assetChainId": 5, 

        "assetId": 2, 

        "decimal": 18, 

        "symbol": "ETH", 

        "status": 1 



"msg": "success" 


# 1.4 search address for existing asset information

# url:/account/assets

DESCRIPTION: queries the current Nerve chain for information about an asset that already exists at an address

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
address String 账户地址

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
assetChainId int 资产链ID
assetId int 资产ID
decimal int 资产支持的小数位
symbol string 资产符号
available bigInteger 可用余额
freeze bigInteger 挂单冻结
total bigInteger 总额 = 可用余额 + 挂单冻结
btcValue string 总余额btc估值

# Example request data:





# Example response data:


"code": 200, 

"success": true, 

"data": { 

    "success": true, 

    "result": [ 


            "assetChainId": 2, 

            "assetId": 1, 

            "symbol": "NULS", 

            "decimal": 8, 

            "available": 20000300000000, 

            "freeze": 0, 

            "total": 20000300000000, 

            "btcValue": "8.10012150" 




"msg": "success" 


# 2.0 query transaction counter order list

# url:/order/list

Detailed description: Query a transaction pair, the existence of the current bid and sell order information

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
key String 交易对hash或者交易对名称
type int =0查询买单和买单盘口,=1只查询买单盘口,=2只查询卖单盘口
size int 查询条数,type=0时,买单卖单最多可查询20条离盘口金额最近挂单;type>0时,最多可查询40条
decimal int 挂单价格保留小数位数,相同价格的挂单会进行合并

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
buyOrderList list<object> 买盘挂单
quoteAmount double 总额
decimal double 数量
price double 买单价格
sellOrderList list<object> 卖盘挂单
quoteAmount double 总额
baseAmount double 数量
total double 卖单价格

# Example request data:








# Example response data:


"code": 200, 

"success": true, 

"data": { 

    "success": true, 

    "result": { 

        "buyOrderList": [ 


                "quoteAmount": 0.900000, 

                "baseAmount": 0.90000000, 

                "price": 1.000000 



        "sellOrderList": [ 


                "quoteAmount": 18.200000, 

                "baseAmount": 9.10000000, 

                "price": 2.000000 





"msg": "success" 


# 2.1 check account current order

# url:/order/list/address

Detailed description: Query the account of all currently not fully completed list of orders

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
address String 账户地址
pageNumber int 页码
pageSize int 分页条数,最多一次可查询20条

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
pageNum int 当前页码
pages int 总页数
pageSize int 分页条数
size int 当前页总条数
total int 总条数
list list 数据列表
baseAmount string 订单hash
price int 1买单,2卖单
tradingHash string 交易对hash
address string 账户地址
price bigInteger 挂单价格
avgPrice bigInteger 平均成交价
baseAmount bigInteger 挂单总量
baseDealAmount bigInteger 已成交量
quoteDealAmount bigInteger 已成交额
status int 1:挂单中
createTime long 挂单时间
baseDecimal int 交易币种小数位
quoteDecimal int 计价币种小数位
tradingName String 交易对名称

# Example request data:



"address": "TNVTdTSPQvEngihwxqwCNPq3keQL1PwrcLbtj", 




# Example response data:


"code": 200,

"success": true,

"data": {

"success": true,

"result": {

"pageNum": 1,

"pageSize": 20,

"size": 3,

"pages": 1,

"total": 1,

"list": [


"hash": "3de79438828bfe77965752aab02cfd24ccc810e4f2ec6d4e35cb89580c66f29f",

"type": 2,

"tradingHash": "efab6ecfc0cfe20",

"address": "TNVTdTSPQvEngihwxqwCNPq3keQL1PwrcLbtj",

"price": 20000000000000,

"avgPrice": 0,

"baseAmount": 200000000000000000,

"baseDealAmount": 0,

"quoteDealAmount": 0,

"status": 1,

"createTime": 1592299896000,

"baseDecimal": 18,

"quoteDecimal": 6,

"tradingName": "ETH/USDX"





"msg": "success"


# 2.2 inquiry account history order

# url:/order/list/history

Detailed description: Query a single list of account history commissions, either closed or closed

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
address String 账户地址
pageNumber int 页码
pageSize int 分页条数,最多一次可查询20条
type int 0:查询所有,1:查询买单,2:查询卖单
beginTime long 起始查询时间
endTime long 截止查询时间
baseSymbol String 交易币种符号
quoteSymbol String 计价币种符号

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
pageNum int 当前页码
pages int 总页数
pageSize int 分页条数
size int 当前页总条数
total int 总条数
list list 数据列表
hash string 订单hash
type int 1买单,2卖单
tradingHash string 交易对hash
address string 账户地址
price bigInteger 挂单价格
avgPrice bigInteger 平均成交价
baseAmount bigInteger 挂单总量
baseDealAmount bigInteger 已成交量
quoteDealAmount bigInteger 已成交额
status int 1:挂单中
createTime long 挂单时间
baseDecimal int 交易币种小数位
quoteDecimal int 计价币种小数位
tradingName String 交易对名称

# Example request data:



"address": "TNVTdTSPVf5iJ4f42B48B95kY5rWzSUAcbv19", 

"pageNumber": 1, 

"pageSize": 15, 

"beginTime": 1592300242000, 

"endTime": 0, 

"type": "", 

"baseSymbol": "", 

"quoteSymbol": "" 


# Example response data:


"code": 200,

"success": true,

"data": {

"success": true,

"result": {

"pageNum": 1,

"pageSize": 20,

"size": 3,

"pages": 1,

"total": 1,

"list": [


"hash": "8d87446bd356361f7a0661ec7fca972f1a07c09d1aabb019bf47f9a49c011381",

"type": 2,

"tradingHash": "0020eeea253bfc8",

"address": "TNVTdTSPVf5iJ4f42B48B95kY5rWzSUAcbv19",

"price": 300000,

"avgPrice": 361039,

"baseAmount": 1000000000,

"baseDealAmount": 1000000000,

"quoteDealAmount": 3610376,

"status": 3,

"createTime": 1592311859000,

"baseDecimal": 8,

"quoteDecimal": 6,

"tradingName": "NULS/USDX"





"msg": "success"


# 2.3 inquiry account history order

# url:/order/list/history

Detailed description: Query a single list of account history commissions, either closed or closed

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
address String 账户地址
pageNumber int 页码
pageSize int 分页条数,最多一次可查询20条
type int 0:查询所有,1:查询买单,2:查询卖单
beginTime long 起始查询时间
endTime long 截止查询时间
baseSymbol String 交易币种符号
quoteSymbol String 计价币种符号

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
pageNum int 当前页码
pages int 总页数
pageSize int 分页条数
size int 当前页总条数
total int 总条数
list list 数据列表
hash string 订单hash
type int 1买单,2卖单
tradingHash string 交易对hash
address string 账户地址
price bigInteger 挂单价格
avgPrice bigInteger 平均成交价
baseAmount bigInteger 挂单总量
baseDealAmount bigInteger 已成交量
quoteDealAmount bigInteger 已成交额
status int 1:挂单中
createTime long 挂单时间
baseDecimal int 交易币种小数位
quoteDecimal int 计价币种小数位
tradingName String 交易对名称

# Example request data:



"address": "TNVTdTSPVf5iJ4f42B48B95kY5rWzSUAcbv19", 

"pageNumber": 1, 

"pageSize": 15, 

"beginTime": 1592300242000, 

"endTime": 0, 

"type": "", 

"baseSymbol": "", 

"quoteSymbol": "" 


# Example response data:


"code": 200,

"success": true,

"data": {

"success": true,

"result": {

"pageNum": 1,

"pageSize": 20,

"size": 3,

"pages": 1,

"total": 1,

"list": [


"hash": "8d87446bd356361f7a0661ec7fca972f1a07c09d1aabb019bf47f9a49c011381",

"type": 2,

"tradingHash": "0020eeea253bfc8",

"address": "TNVTdTSPVf5iJ4f42B48B95kY5rWzSUAcbv19",

"price": 300000,

"avgPrice": 361039,

"baseAmount": 1000000000,

"baseDealAmount": 1000000000,

"quoteDealAmount": 3610376,

"status": 3,

"createTime": 1592311859000,

"baseDecimal": 8,

"quoteDecimal": 6,

"tradingName": "NULS/USDX"





"msg": "success"


# 2.3 inquiry account history order

# url:/order/list/history

Detailed description: Query a single list of account history commissions, either closed or closed

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
address String 账户地址
pageNumber int 页码
pageSize int 分页条数,最多一次可查询20条
type int 0:查询所有,1:查询买单,2:查询卖单
beginTime long 起始查询时间
endTime long 截止查询时间
baseSymbol String 交易币种符号
quoteSymbol String 计价币种符号

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
pageNum int 当前页码
pages int 总页数
pageSize int 分页条数
size int 当前页总条数
total int 总条数
list list 数据列表
string 订单hash
int 1买单,2卖单
tradingHash string 交易对hash
address string 账户地址
price bigInteger 挂单价格
avgPrice bigInteger 平均成交价
baseAmount bigInteger 挂单总量
baseDealAmount bigInteger 已成交量
quoteDealAmount bigInteger 已成交额
status int 1:挂单中
createTime long 挂单时间
baseDecimal int 交易币种小数位
quoteDecimal int 计价币种小数位
tradingName String 交易对名称

# Example request data:



"address": "TNVTdTSPVf5iJ4f42B48B95kY5rWzSUAcbv19", 

"pageNumber": 1, 

"pageSize": 15, 

"beginTime": 1592300242000, 

"endTime": 0, 

"type": "", 

"baseSymbol": "", 

"quoteSymbol": "" 


# Example response data:


"code": 200,

"success": true,

"data": {

"success": true,

"result": {

"pageNum": 1,

"pageSize": 20,

"size": 3,

"pages": 1,

"total": 1,

"list": [


"hash": "8d87446bd356361f7a0661ec7fca972f1a07c09d1aabb019bf47f9a49c011381",

"type": 2,

"tradingHash": "0020eeea253bfc8",

"address": "TNVTdTSPVf5iJ4f42B48B95kY5rWzSUAcbv19",

"price": 300000,

"avgPrice": 361039,

"baseAmount": 1000000000,

"baseDealAmount": 1000000000,

"quoteDealAmount": 3610376,

"status": 3,

"createTime": 1592311859000,

"baseDecimal": 8,

"quoteDecimal": 6,

"tradingName": "NULS/USDX"





"msg": "success"


# 3.0 query transaction pairs for recent transaction records

# url:/deal/list/trading

Detailed description: Query the transaction records of the most recent list, according to the transaction in reverse order of time

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
key String 交易对hash,或交易对名称
size int 成交记录条数,最多能查询最近100条成交记录

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
baseAmount bigInteger 成交量
price bigInteger 成交价
quoteDecimal int 计价币种小数位
scaleQuoteDecimal int 交易对支持计价币种交易的最小小数位
baseDecimal int 交易币种小数位
scaleBaseDecimal int 交易对支持交易币种交易的最小小数位
createTime long 成交时间
taker int 1买单主动成交,2卖单主动成交

# Example request data:






# Example response data:


"code": 200,

"success": true,

"data": {

"success": true,

"result": [


"baseAmount": 500000000,

"price": 30000000,

"quoteDecimal": 8,

"scaleQuoteDecimal": 8,

"baseDecimal": 8,

"scaleBaseDecimal": 8,

"createTime": 1592299308000,

"taker": 1



"baseAmount": 90000000,

"price": 200000000,

"quoteDecimal": 8,

"scaleQuoteDecimal": 8,

"baseDecimal": 8,

"scaleBaseDecimal": 8,

"createTime": 1592311948000,

"taker": 2




"msg": "success"


# 3.1 checking account history and transaction records

# url:/deal/list/address

Detailed description: Query the user history transaction record list, according to the transaction time in reverse order order

# Parameter list

参数名 参数类型 参数描述 是否必填
address String 账户地址
pageNumber int 页码
pageSize int 分页条数,最多一次可查询20条
type int 0:查询所有,1:查询买单,2:查询卖单
beginTime long 起始查询时间,为空时,默认起始时间为一周前
endTime long 截止查询时间
baseSymbol String 交易币种符号
quoteSymbol String 计价币种符号

# Return Value

字段名 字段类型 字段描述
pageNum int 当前页码
pages int 总页数
pageSize int 分页条数
size int 当前页总条数
total int 总条数
list list 数据列表
dealHash string 成交记录hash
type int 1买单,2卖单
tradingHash string 交易对hash
price bigInteger 成交价格
baseAmount bigInteger 成交总量
quotelAmount bigInteger 成交额
createTime long 成交时间
baseDecimal int 交易币种小数位
scaleBaseDecimal int 交易对支持交易币种交易的最小小数位
quoteDecimal int 计价币种小数位
scaleQuoteDecimal int 交易对支持计价币种交易的最小小数位
tradingName String 交易对名称
fee String 手续费

# Example request data:



"address": "TNVTdTSPVf5iJ4f42B48B95kY5rWzSUAcbv19", 

"pageNumber": 1, 

"pageSize": 15, 

"beginTime": 1591783933000, 

"endTime": 0, 

"type": "", 

"baseSymbol": "", 

"quoteSymbol": "" 


# Example response data:


"code": 200,

"success": true,

"data": {

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